Slow your rolls and let them chill~

Anti-Anxiety Resources and Websites

Anxiety is a bicc, and I feel like certain websites and socials more than others can make it all the worse. Having been back and forth through extremely anxiety-riddled spirals is never fun, but outside friends & family, there's been other resources I've found along the way that've helped me a lot. And if you need just a little something to decompress, I hope this page can help you too~

Do you need a snack?

How about something chill to watch?

Have a custom playlist of cookery, craft, and other cute videos

Midnight Snap: A lowkey chill sleep aid series.

Do you feel like shit?

Go through a short interactive self-care guide to check on some of the things you may've forgotten yourself to do. (Like drink some water, if you didn't already grab some snacks ;0)

Are things overwhelming to listen to, or maybe a little too quiet?


Put on a relaxing soundscape of whatever noises you could imagine.

(It's my #1 go-to when I'm in full sensory overload, or have something high pressure I'm scared of taking care of and need something to ground myself with)

NookOffice - Hourly Animal Crossing Music

Hourly New Horizons OST in real time, with a few other little on page toys

Need to just scream in the void for a bit?

Watch your thoughts disentegrate into stars as you type.

(if like me you're tempted easily by scrubbing through comment sections even when you're not in a good headspace to do so, the corner of the game has a full screen button to isolate the screenspace a bit more~)

Take some digital fidget toys

Living Worlds

Gorgeous animated pixel landscapes for all different times of the year. Play with changing the time of day, visual speed, sound, and other images to watch and run in the background.

WebGL Fluid (resource heavy)

Simulate glittery vibrant liquid as you drag your mouse around the screen.

Silk - Interactive Generative Art

Similar vibe to webfluid, just make some theraputic glowy shasps.


Hold down the mouse and click the different tools to watch colors go brrrr.


This is sand.