(Written Jan 11th, 2024)

This game is more of a point and click narrative game with an rpg themed coat of paint, than a full out rpg, and is one of the most endearing experiences I could've hoped to recieve.

I've been thinking about this title again since starting a playthrough with my partner and another friend for Undertale Yellow, and much like the original Undertale, it's on that same wavelength of being an experience I cherish, rather than a game I'd come back to over and over to revisit.

Right from the game's title art in the store page, it hits on several tropes I'm e x t r e me l y biased for when it comes to character dynamics, much of the same ones that drew me to Undertale to be honest, but in this game's case it was even more blatant. I'm a complete push over for monster-like, guardian type characters, that intentionally or otherwise, stumble into having to look over another character more helpless or innocent than them. As the title suggests, this particular character being Meg.

I'm not going to delve into any story spoilers compared to my Undertale review. The story IS the game, and want to shill for supporting it as much as I can to get whatever folks happen into this page in the first place, to enjoy it as much as I do. Gameplay wise you can navigate the game through controller, or even purely by mouse, and what combat the game has is very basic- but in a funny way that makes sense when you see it for yourself. It won't run you very long either, my own playtime being about a 6-8 hour experience in total.

If you're looking for a sickly sweet story, with gorgeous music, endearing characters, and have a soft spot for the same kind of tropes as I do, then Meg's Monster is for you~

Also gonna link the page for the game's soundtrack in particular, A. because I bought it j u s t for one track I wanted to use in the BG of this page, but B. the format of the site itself is veRY very cute, and I think lines up with the manifesto of indie web page design very nicely.

Meg's Monster - In Summation...