Tamagotchi Familitchi v5.5

This was goING to start out rather sad, but turned into a miraculously happy accident instead.

I was lamenting that this tama's buttons were incredibly glitchy when I'd tried to run it in late August 2023, thinking that any attempt to repair it would be a lost cause. But right as I was writing this I was like, "y'know what? I've repaired my joycons before, I have the screwdrivers and kits, and the cleaning alcohol, why don't I try it?" So, on a whim I poked around for any videos of folks doing tama repair. Lo and behold I found one, and after following along with it and patching my own tama shut- it gets a bit finnicky with responding to a fresh battery, buT once its in it seems like the buttons work good as new. ;A; Even when I was younger I remember the A button always being a little squidgy, so the fact they can work this much better after a spontaneous repair attempt just has me over the moon.

The v5 generation of tamas was my favorite of the retro ones I got to own as I was growing up with them. I've always had a yearning for the original v5- as mine was a 5.5 with all different celebrity and royalty themed tamas that couldn't really form "pure" familes like an all Mame or all Kuchipa one, and especially getting to raise a secret space tama double appealed to me, but in more recent years I've become really fond of that cast haha~ Whenever I do run it again now that it's working, I'd love to try and raise any of the secret characters be it the Gotchi King family, Elizabesutchi, or Jewlboxtchi. (Only downside of going back to retros is the contrast can be so tricky to look at sometimes. I've gotten so used to backlit color tamas that my old hag eyes don't like the og screens as much.)

The longest run I ever had with this tama I wound up doing fanart for around middleschool for my little tama's wedding to celebrate. I would like to remake this piece some day, but dunno if I want to go one-to-one, or perhaps reference one of my later tamas with just the same premise xD